Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Knit my First Hat

It even has a cute pom pom on top.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

NIN Concert

We drove down to Portland to see Nine Inch Nails. It was fantastic!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Chris came to visit for Thanksgiving. Sadly, I did not take a single picture to prove it. We went to downtown Kirkland to go to the bars on Friday, and walked two miles to get there. This was due to poor planning on someone's part, but I won't point any fingers.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hey Look! It's finished... only five months later. I think we started this 2000 piece puzzle in May. We got to the sky which was painful and discouraging, and my mom was nice enough to pack it all back into the box in big chunks for our move. It took us until October to summon the courage to look at it again.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I've been learning to knit. Debbie got me this great book called Stitch 'n Bitch which is pretty much what I've been using to learn. At this point I am doing scarves, so nothing to complex yet.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jars of Blackberries

On Sunday we jarred almost all of the berries. We ended up with about 35 pints of jam, 4 pints of jelly, and six pints of blackberry brandy, which is still in the works. We have to let the brandy sit for at least two months. We also froze about 16 cups of berries to use later for a barbecue sauce that Debbie's uncle makes.

So many damn berries!!

These are all the berries laid out to dry. It was about this time we all decided next time we might only need one box full.

Blackberry Drying

So, we got a little over zealous picking and ended up with about 60 pounds of blackberries, two boxes full. We are a little rediculous! That night we also had to clean all the berries and lay them out to dry so that they wouldn't mold. Andrew got the job of spreading them all out. We were doing that until about 2am.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Blackberry Picking

It was raining outside while we actually picked berries so I didnt take any pictures. We took a ferry across the Puget Sound to Debbie's grandfather's farm to pick blackberries near Bainbridge Island. The picture coming back was much prettier than the picture going.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I officially started my Design Internship with the American Red Cross yesterday. It seemed to go well. I didn't have too much work, just meeting a lot of people. I will be working in the marketing and communications department doing design work and also helping in their print shop working with Oid, who took me out to lunch to get Pho. It was very good, but eating soup with chopsticks is tricky.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Puyallup Fair

We went to the Puyallup Fair today with Debbie and Gabe. We had AWESOME barbecue and experienced Mutton Bustin' for the first time. It was hilarious! The youngest kid to get on a sheep was 3. They basically hang on as long as they can.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We Done Got Hitched!!!!

We got married!!! All of our wedding pictures are on if you want to take a look. Mindy did an amazing job!

Monday, August 4, 2008


There is a sunflower farm on the way to Oscoda. My grandma and I stopped on our way back to Indy to take a picture. It's crazy! I dont know why I've never seen them before.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Poo Poo Point

We took Poo Poo Trail to Poo Poo Point. Thats really what its called and we dont know why. Anyway, the point was a really amazing look out. It was a little lower than our highest hiking altitude. We also go to see paragliders running off the edge of the lookout. It was really fun and definitely made the 3 mile hike up worth it.

Railroad Trail

Is there a trail here?? Barely!! Three miles of the trail looked like this. We should have brought our machetes.

This trail was also where we saw a black bear about 100 feet in front of us. We were not prepared for that at all. We booked it the other direction until we could hear that it had passed. After that we couldn't find other people fast enough.

Tiger Mountain

We hiked about 10 miles on Tiger Mountain and up about 2000 feet. We felt really good until we hiked down 2 miles on a gravel path. Gravel on a downhill slope doesnt make sense. We were slipping the whole time.

The rest of the place

Friday, July 11, 2008

Moved In Really

We are actually move in now, just in time for me to head back to Indy.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


When we arrived in Seattle it was cloudy the first several days. But, after it cleared up you see mountains almost all around you. Its like they just appeared one day. Its so crazy.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

New Shoes

I bought these super cute shoes on clearance at Kohls and then I couldnt show anyone, so here they are. Arent they cute! I also got Andrew jeans for $8. That is all.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Here's the kitchen and our kitchen table that we can actually sit at now.


Here's are bedroom and our bed fits in it pretty well.

Moved in... sort of

We have pretty much unpacked and gotten rid of all the boxes, but its still a mess. Were still trying to sort through everything.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

more stuff

Its a dark picture but our bed is in our bedroom and thats about it.


This is all our stuff after the movers left. I think Andrew just wants to leave everything where it is?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Floor Plan

Here's the floor plan.


Here's the kitchen and to the right is the living room.

Move In Day

It turned out to be more like a move in evening. There was lots of confusion about our stuff and where it was. The movers didn't show up until 5pm and we had expected them around 9am. Andrew was able to get off early that day to help, but unfortunately there wasn't much to do. This is the living room. The whole place is 918 sq ft. Its 2 bed and 2 bath, newly renovated.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Moving Soon!

We are moving on Thursday and Friday of this week. I will make sure to post lots of pictures this weekend!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Today Andrew and I went hiking at Cougar Mountain. Its like 15 minutes away from Bellevue, where our temp housing is. It was the second sunny day since we've been here. I think summer is actually coming. On nice days you can see the mountains surrounding the Seattle area. Its like they just appear some days.

Giant Slug

We saw several huge slugs while we were hiking. This one was about six inches long.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our cars!

Our cars arrived today... both of them, despite the fact that my car was picked up a week after Andrew's.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Gabe and Debbie took us to the "china town" of Seattle (Its more like Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, ect). I cant remember what it was actually called. We got lunch for $5 and had leftovers to take home. It was a lot of food. Then we went and got what Debbie called "bubbly tea." Its tea and milk with flavors in it (cant remember what they were actually called either). Then you can get this jelly-like flavored stuff put in. Its wierd. I got strawberry and tapioca. It tasted like candy. The straws are super wide so that you can suck up the jellies... its a weird experience.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Falls

We went to Snoqualmie Falls with Debbie and Gabe. Its about 45 minutes outside of Seattle. We hiked down to the bottom of the falls and back up. I read they are 100ft higher than Niagra Falls.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Pikes Market

On Saturday we went to Pike's Market and walked around. Its in downtown Seattle near the water. Andrew and I bought halibut and cooked it for dinner. It was delicious!