I ordered these from Target for Tom and Emily's wedding in June where I will be a bridesmaid. Emily (and Tom) asked me to be in there wedding on new years and I am so excited!
I found this recipe on allrecipes.com and thought they looked good. The recipe makes really good chewy oatmeal cookies, but they look better than they taste. The icing and putting two of the cookies together was a bit of an overkill. I probably won't attempt these again but here they are.
We celebrated New Years in Indiana this year at the Hampton's, and of course it was memorable even if not everyone remembers it. Tom & Emily Tricia & Jason The Hamptons, apparently I was MIA for this picture. Getting ready to head out into the rain and get in the hot tub. Vodka shot anyone? Of course! My granny taking a jello shot, I'm so proud. She might not like me after putting this here. And a not so little side note, we also found out that Tom and Emily would be moving to Seattle this summer because Tom had accepted a job at Boeing. We can't wait!