Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Let the Assembly Begin

We started to put the guest bathroom back together this weekend. It is already going so much faster than the master bathroom renovation... this is definitely a simpler redo. Tom was a great help on Saturday and we were able to get insulation in the walls (for sound), a niche mounted, and almost all the backer board cut and laid. Then on Sunday Andrew and I were able to lay all the floor tile in about 3 hours. Between the two of us, we've master the tile cutting and laying. He only had to make a second cut on one tile for the whole floor. Let's hope the shower walls go just as smoothly.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Guest Bath Demo

Despite our plan not to start any more major renovations, Andrew gutted the guest bathroom this weekend while I was out of town. I can't say I'm bothered to have another house project :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Baby Gameboy

One Pinterest idea has come to life! This took me about 30 minutes to make, the felt was about 29 cents/color, and I got the onsie at a garage sale for 25 cents. The worst part was cutting the felt with my somewhat dull scissors. All around a very successful little project.

I included the gameboy picture for those of you who aren't too familiar with gameboys... yes, those people do exist (I learned) :P

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Canning Peach Jam

I got a box of peaches from the farmers' market Saturday for canning.
I boiled the peaches for about 3 minutes, put them in an ice bath and then peeled them. I ended up making about 10 pints of peach jam. Sadly, it didn't set correctly which is nothing new. When I'm alone trying to make sure I follow the directions precisely I manage to mess it up.
I also peeled and froze about 12 cups of peaches for later use... peach cobbler, a second attempt at making jam correctly, we'll see...