Sunday, October 27, 2013


We had a little baby party at our house this weekend for Aiden's 1st birthday. We kept it low key and turned our living room into baby play land.
 Obviously one of the major party highlights, a wipe package...
 Max was a great gift opener, Aiden still needs a little practice. 
 I finally remembered to ask someone to take a pic of the 3 of us :)
 We said goodbye to Negar in the waddler room at daycare this past week. Happily Dana from the infant room will be moving up, so we know Aiden will still be in great hands. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Brent?! In Seattle!? What?!

Haha! Just kidding, sorta. Sherri, Tracy and Ali came too, but Brent has never been before, so YAY!

We went out Saturday night and had a great timing roaming Capitol Hill. Tom, Emily, Becca and James joined us for the evening festivities. We started off at the Pine Box (formerly The Chapel, my most favorite martini bar, formerly a funeral home, for real). Then went to Auto Battery where there is shuffle board, ski ball and pool. AND you can order hot dogs from Po Dogs, next door. These are no ordinary hot dogs. Andrew ate the Texas Dog and I got the Mac n' Cheese Dog. NOM NOM! (yummy photos)
The only real pictures I have to show from our night out, is from The Unicorn, our final stop where we visited their photo booth. There were themes to these photos including "in love" "wind-blown" "attached by bats", our most original "stuck in a photo booth" and then just general confusion for the other half.
We had a pre-birthday birthday party for Aiden. We had Cupcake Royale cupcakes. It was as expected, very messy and thoroughly enjoyed. It just seemed to disintegrate rather than be eaten, but that's not surprising. Here is the progression...
We're all rocking together :P
Playing with grandpa...
Making a new friend :)
 Jumping on beds at Ikea with Weezer... what are granny's for?
Hanging out with mom... he can be very clingy ;)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

What a Character!

Aiden is developing quite the personality. I think these 2 pictures best display this. We call the left "the furrowed brow." He does it all the time... annoyance, confusion, someone new, etc. and then in an instant switches to the face on the right. He's very fun!
 We went to the park with Des and swung with Ben. It was Ben's first time swinging and for being just under 6 months he seemed to love it. 
 Andrew and Aiden in their matching gamer shirts :)
 We had a play date with Rambo and Ben. Aiden was the old man of the crew and tried to show the 6 month olds how to walk, but they should probably master crawling first. 
Lately he smiles so big, his eyes are often closed.
 "Hey dad, is it cool if I stand on the couch and eat this mouse toy... okay, great, thanks!"
 Lounging around is the best... 
 He got an early birthday present in the mail from Lola, K and Berk. He loves it!
 He is good at rearranging the kitchen and eating without hands. 
 We started off playing with the water and inevitably it ended with no clothes and a bath in the sink.

Aiden has very consistently been sleeping through the night, occasionally getting up once. I'm feeling mostly recovered from sleep deprivation and being sick for four weeks. Good enough, that I have finally started doing more around the house (and I don't mean cleaning, I actually hired someone to do that). I have started going through each room/area of the house and cleaning out closets, drawers and shelves. I am finding new space in our house which is much needed with all the baby goodies we have now. I have still been pumping at work usually 3 times/day. Aiden take 3-4 bottles/day at day care and then nurses before bedtime. On the weekend he will nurse when he wakes up, before his nap and then before bed (sometimes another time or two), so we are seeing a noticeable slow down in breast feeding. I am very much looking forward to not pumping at work anymore. It just feels like such a chore. Aiden has been napping only once a day consistently for about 2 months now. At day care he will nap for only 30-40 minutes but on the weekend he will nap 1-2 hours (thank goodness).