Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We had our Christmas on Christmas Eve since we were going to get up and go snowboarding Christmas morning.

Andrew immediately headed to the loft to test out his new mouse.

We also made Kruschiki for dessert that night. And by "we," yes, I mean Andrew too. It was so exciting and delicious! I'm not sure I got the pastry dough thin enough, but it's a work in progress. We certainly didn't have any trouble emptying the plate with our friends Jina and Jeremy. Their 2 year old mostly sucked the sugar off and then promptly handed the pastry back to her mom. I think she enjoyed them in her own way.

Don't be fooled by this face, he loves cooking.


Sugar coating the kruschiki, yum!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas Ellie

Ellie discovered her Christmas present and despite what the tag says there are cat toys in there.

She managed to dig out the best part of the present and had a great time... the receipt.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

First Day of Snowboarding!

We have season passes to Stevens this year. This was opening weekend, our first trip of many many more this year. I fear taking my camera or phone with me while I snowboard because I know I would destroy it falling or something, so this is what I have. Up the mountain...

Down the mountain...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Design Work - Published

I designed a recipe book at work and here's the final product. It's so exciting to see our efforts come together. It's has 12 recipes for different popsicles using fruits AND vegetables. The recipes typically use agave nectar as a sweetener (not sugar) which I love. You can order it through PayPal here: