Monday, February 22, 2016

The Petting Farm

Aiden says some funny things as a 3 year old. Lately when we put him to bed he tells us "don't let anything bad come in". Then he'll go on to specify "... like a big bad wolf, or a dinosaur, or a crocodile, or a bear". One night after this typical discussion, he tells me "but I would like it if a pig came in" and he continued to tell us this on multiple occasions, so I thought maybe we can go see a real pig. He's also been into the 3 Little Pigs story lately. I found a horse farm nearby, Tashunka Farm, where they also have other animals and will escort you around the property to pet them. It was very casual and I paid $20, so perfect for a toddler.
This is Jiggy the mini horse.
We met Sherman the mini pig who did tricks for Cheerios. 
There were also chickens, fainting goats to feed, rabbits and a chinchilla (so soft!). 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Friends Then Quarantine

Oliver and I watched the Superbowl at Tom and Emily's. Then the next day it was back to work for Andrew. We really enjoyed our 6 weeks completely work free together. 
We had a play date with Rambo who also has a new baby brother about 4 weeks younger than Oliver.
We've had lots of help from friends lately. Des picked Aiden up and took him back to their house so Ben and Aiden could make cookies and play.
Kelly and Matt took Aiden to the Giggle Jungle and out for ice cream. 
Tom and Emily brought dinner over and played.
Then we got sick, very sick. I can't remember the last time I was this sick. Thankfully, somehow Oliver avoided it. It started with Aiden, then me, and finished with Andrew. We pretty much ate nothing for 4 days and only drank water and gatorade. It seemed like Norovirus and we told EVERYONE to stay away for about 9 days because we absolutely did not want to pass it on.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Goodbye Granny

Our family had to say our final farewell to my Granny this week. I am grateful I was able to have her in my life for almost 30 years. Not everyone gets a grandparent who gets to be so much a part their life for so long (or takes jello shots with you on New Years Eve). So many memories to cherish!
Her and my grandpa would drive down from Detroit for grandparents day at school and so many other special occasions. And when we were in Detroit they would always host birthday parties for us to celebrate with the extended family.
She hosted a wonderful wedding shower for Andrew and I in Detroit. 
She would drive down to Indy when we were in town (Gardens and Zoo) and even road tripped further with us to Dale Hollow one summer. In college she slumber partied in my dorm with my roommate and I to go see Blast! perform on campus. And although Granny wouldn't fly, she took the train 2 days to visit our Seattle home (during the hottest days on record). Although the last few years she chose not to travel anymore, out of the blue she decided to make one more trip to Indiana while we were in town in November.

We would spend almost all of our holidays in Detroit or Oscoda. 
We would always vacation at "the cabin". I would spend spring break or long weekends there and take friends. I was able to share her home and beach, where I've made so many memories (our 2010 trip). Aiden even took his first steps there. I am so glad we were able to make one more trip to Oscoda this past summer

Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 5 With Oliver

This week is very similar to our past experience. Oliver is awake more and pretty fussy. His worst time is roughly between 9pm and 1am and he'll nurse hourly.
This is an example of what sleep was like a couple nights this week. Very sad.
There's been a little gaming, but because Oliver has been fussy and awake in the evening we've spent more time hanging out in the living room and watching movies. Currently we're going through the Harry Potter series again.
 Oliver had his one month appointment today. He was due for one shot and weighed in at 10lb and 8oz, growing well.  Here are some pleasant pictures from the week. 
 Aiden has adjusted very well so far for a toddler, even this week with only two adults. We've been lucky that Oliver tends to nap in the early evening so we're able to get in some quality play time and eat dinner. Sometimes I wonder what Aiden does in his room after we put him to bed. Sometimes there's evidence... he's put underwear on over his pull-up, has 2 or 3 pairs of socks on, and one morning he woke up with Spiderman swim trunks on over his pj's.
Aiden gave himself a bubble beard during his bath. After getting out he told Andrew "don't dry my beard!"