Saturday, February 7, 2015

Superbowl 2015

We had some friends over to watch the Seahawks win lose the Superbowl on our new projector/screen. We had a great time with everyone and it made the loss more bearable.
 Aiden held Harper's 2 month old little sister and loved it. After that, they proceeded to spin each other in Andrew's office chair and laugh endlessly providing entertainment for all. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A January Christmas (Part 2)

We spent the second half of our Indiana trip with Andrew's family. Aiden slowly opened his gifts over a few days. The boys assembled the new lincoln log fort (even Homer helped). It lasted about 10 minutes before Aiden had it disassembled again.
Cement was poured for the new barn  while we were there and Aiden got to ride the "big truck" and put his hands in the new cement.
We drove down to Bedford one afternoon and then Papo and Karen came to the Friday evening. This of course include delicious divinity from Papo. 
 Tools, grandpa, and ice cream... what more could a little guy want? 
 Hot tub for the first time! Because getting in the hot tub includes the word "tub" he kept running to the bathroom at first and was confused why he was being taken outside.  
Enjoying the giant ball pit and playing with Granny... 
 Aiden knows how to get every last drop of ice cream from the bowl.
 Waiting for our flight home with Aunt Ali and checking out his goodie bag before he even got on the plane.
 This was our first trip since Aiden turned 2 which means he got his own seat and loved it... so did we (if we don't think about the cost of it). It was nice not to be clobbered the entire flight.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A January Christmas (Part 1)

We had a visit from Sarah when she came up from Portland for an interview. Her and Aiden read books and shared breakfast together. We also had a delicious dinner at Russell's before she headed back to Portland and we flew to Indiana. 
Because of hectic work schedules and plane ticket prices we made our annual Christmas trip to Indiana at the end of January.

Meme made Aiden a reindeer pancake for "Christmas" breakfast. He kept eating the blueberry eyes and asking for more to replace them.
After breakfast we opened presents. Aiden worked on piecing together his new Mr. Potato Head, but he really liked storing the pieces inside.
We had friends over for the last Colts game of the season. Don't be fooled by our smiles, we were crying on the inside. Luckily we had lots of fun people around to distract from the pain. Dzia Dzia and Aiden enjoyed some quality time together in the ball pit.

We ate very well during our visit, pancakes for breakfast, Mug N' Bun for lunch and Italian for dinner at a little place in Salem Indiana (not all in the same day of course).
Dzia Dzia and Aiden enjoying their morning coffee and watching the laundry spin...
 Playtime with Meme and Dzia Dzia. He loved telling Dzia Dzia how to drive the train and "loading up cargo".
 We went to the Indianapolis Zoo on our last day with my parents before having lunch at Shapiro's. It was a surprising 50 degrees and sunny, plus the zoo has lots of indoor exhibits. It was great to only share the zoo with a handful of other families. A very wonderful experience!