We went to Dale Hollow for a few days and my grandma was awesome enough to make the drive down from Oscoda, Michigan to Indy and then journey with my parents all the way down to Dale Hollow. It was great! Hopefully she enjoyed her time on the house boat :)
Luckily Tom, Emily and Laura (Emily's sister) were also able to join us despite the fact that it was a week before their wedding :)
My parents tubed... what rockstars!
My dad and I tubed and I'm pretty sure it was a far rougher ride that tubing with my mom.
We play lots of Banagrams thanks to Emily. I think we all went home and bought our own Banagrams game after that weekend.
I took the pups for a ride!
Even Papo was willing to give the wave runners a try... I'm not sure he enjoyed it :)
Andrew jumping off the cliffs...
Andrew and I on the wave runner...
After all was said and done we were wiped out... ;)
Unfortunately, I have no other pictures from being in Indy and I don't know why. I think it was just a whirlwind of a trip (as usual) between traveling to Dale Hollow and to Evansville for Tom and Emily's wedding.
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