Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Magnet Making

I was inspired by my friend's project on her blog and wanted something quick and easy to make. I thought these magnets would be perfect and potentially a great gift idea. I used turtle pictures from our Hawaii trip this past summer and cut them out with a circle cutter. I used Mod Podge on the backs of the marbles, stuck my images on and pressed them down to push out any air bubbles. While they dried, I cut the magnet strips to fit the back of my round marbles. They dried very quickly so I was able to immediately apply the self adhesive magnets and I was done. I was worried I might not get great results since the images were small and would be somewhat distorted by the marble, but I thought they turned out great.

1 comment:

  1. so cool! one awesome thing about the marbles is that they magnify your images so even if they are small pictures they look great!
