Monday, April 15, 2013

The Hampton's Came to Play

Andrew's parents and sisters arrived Thursday and left very early Sunday morning. We were very excited to have them stay with us. This was his sisters first visit since Aiden was born and our first visitors since the initial visits when life wasn't too exciting yet. We were all a little more rested, a little more fun and able to do more out of the house this time. We have such a smiley happy baby now.

We went downtown to Pike's Market for lunch and a little shopping/meandering. 
 Aiden loves playing with Aunt Ali. 
He can't get enough granny and pa time. 
We finally got a family photo with all three of us, about time. 
 Poor, unsuspecting Aunt Sister had no idea what was coming...
When grandparents visit parents get to play... we went into Seattle Friday for some alcoholic fun. We started the night at our favorite happy hour spot, Noc Noc, before heading to Capitol Hill 
with Tom and Emily. 
All the weekend fun and guests required a recovery nap with daddy.  
 After trying solids for the first time a few weeks back, we just recently gave it a few more attempts as Aiden started showing more of an interest in what we were eating. He is very insistent on taking the spoon and "doing it himself." He's now tried avacado, broccoli, sweet potato and banana.
He is loving his jumper!
(I pumped extra in preparation for our Friday night festivities. I don't drink often, it's usually wine and I typically would not pump and dump. I just time my drink. But after getting home Friday I did once based on my level of tipsy. I kept it just out of curiosity and tasted it the next day. It was noticeably alcoholic... details you all wanted, right?! I have to document these things for myself or I'll forget.)


  1. YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO happy to for family visits!!!

  2. looks like you guys had a great time! i hope noc noc is on our to-do list in january! :) -casey

  3. The picture of Aiden with the spoon in his mouth and messy face and well... messy everything is AWESOME!

    1. I just couldn't pass up posting THAT face. Too ridiculous!
